New Survey Finds 75% Of People Support Bans On Single-Use Plastic

It’s no secret that the environment is in danger and plastic pollution is a serious concern.

Environmentalists and conservationists, along with politicians, scientists, and virtually everyone in between have been calling for changes to fight climate change and help preserve the planet as we know it.

One major way individual people have been making a difference is by saying no to single-use plastic items. According to the NRDC, single-use plastic includes items like bottles, wrappers, straws, and bags.

Photo: Pixabay/Emilian Robert Vicol

A lot of single-use plastic waste ends up in waterways, consequently harming marine life and polluting the oceans. It’s a serious problem, and it’s one that people are passionate about solving.

In fact, according to Reuters, a new global survey by IPSOS found that 75% of people are in support of a ban on single-use plastics. Essentially, 3 out of every 4 people want to end the single-use plastic industry for good.

Photo: Wikimedia Commons

The survey involved more than 20,000 people from 28 different countries. The hope is that the survey results will encourage governments to ban single-use plastics, knowing it’ll likely be a popular move among the general population.

Already, countries like New Zealand, France, Spain, and India have implemented measures to ban single-use plastic items.

Photo: Pixahive/SMR

The more countries that get behind the ban, the more impactful it will be on a global scale. Hopefully the survey can serve as a tipping point for some governments to take the next steps to a greener future.

According to Reuters, Marco Lambertini of the World Wildlife Fund said, “People worldwide have made their views clear. The onus and opportunity is now on governments to adopt a global plastics treaty … so we can eliminate plastic pollution.”

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