Video Producer Breaks Down 64 Popular Myths About Animals

Have you ever heard something repeated so many times that you believe it’s true, only to later find out it was false all along?

It happens all the time, even to the best of us, and one area where misconceptions really run rampant is in the world of animal myths.

Photo: YouTube/Mental Floss

Video producer Justin Dodd of Mental Floss recently took to YouTube to dispel popular animal myths in a now-viral video.

“Cows DON’T have four stomachs, toads CAN’T give you warts, and pigs DON’T sweat a lot. Yeesh, that’s a lot of negatives. But those are just three of dozens of misunderstood facts about animals we’re going to be sharing today. From dogs to ostriches to lemmings, let’s get into it,” the video’s description reads.

Photo: YouTube/Mental Floss

In the video, Justin breaks down popular misconceptions about 64 different animals!

The clip starts with the popular myth that ostriches bury their heads when frightened. Dodd says that they actually don’t, and instead, they lay down when they’re frightened. The Cleveland Zoological Society backs Dodd up by saying, “Contrary to the popular myth, ostriches do not bury their head in the sand when scared or frightened. In fact, when an ostrich senses danger and cannot run away, it will flop to the ground and remain still, attempting to blend in with the terrain.”

Photo: YouTube/Mental Floss

The 40-minute video goes on to bust myths including, “armadillos curl into balls and roll away from predators,” “sloths are lazy,” and “wolves kill for sport,” among several others.

Check out the video below to learn more:

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