10 Amazing Facts About The Harpy Eagle

Is it a bird or a man dressed up like a bird? Is it a Pokemon? Is it a real-life bird?

The internet had a heated debate after a photo of a Harpy Eagle went viral on Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit.

From one angle, it looks like a bird, and from another angle it looks like a person dressed as a bird.

After the pictures went viral on social media, people on the Internet started searching for information about it…Now, the Harpy Eagle is trending across multiple platforms.

A harpy eagle’s wingspan can expand up to 2 meters wide and it can grow up to 1.10 meters high, making it one of the largest birds in the world.

A harpy eagle’s talons are incredibly strong, measuring up to nine centimeters long. The bird’s strength and size begs the question, “Can harpy eagles kill humans?”

Photo: Pixabay

Although the eagle is more than capable of, at least, maiming an unsuspecting human, the harpy eagle has proven to not fear humans at all. In fact, they have been known to allow curious humans to approach them.

Unfortunately, this has placed the harpy eagle at risk, as they are frequently hunted since they are easy to kill.

The rounded shape of its head and face works like a satellite dish to detect the sounds of its prey.

Photo: Pixabay

Harpy Eagle is the largest and most powerful raptor found in the rainforest, and among the largest extant species of eagles in the world. It usually inhabits tropical lowland rainforests in the upper canopy layer, according to Wikipedia.

Check out the video below to the see harpy eagle’s enormous wingspan in action!

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